The Tim Behrendt Foundation offers sanctuary in a place of outstanding natural beauty, where patients (with or without support) can find some solace in a free and healthy environment. An environment that nurtures wellbeing and encourages a departure from thinking about their illness; all without any obligations.
The Tim Behrendt Foundation was established to give young people, who are undergoing cancer treatment, the opportunity to take a short trip away between chemo sessions, or to take a break away from their stay in hospital.
The Tim Behrendt Foundation offers sanctuary in a place of outstanding natural beauty, where patients (with or without support) can find some solace in a free and healthy environment. An environment that nurtures wellbeing and encourages a departure from thinking about their illness; all without any obligations.
The Tim Behrendt Foundation has been created to give this opportunity to people who are restricted in some way (usually economically or personally) from taking some breathing space from their illness. They can stay as guests in the beautiful landscape of the North-western area of the Granada province in Spain. This is offered to patients, together with their friends, family or caregivers, with the purpose of giving an uplifting experience to aid their recovery.

16-12-1971 † 29-05-2009

The foundation offers this haven in a small farmhouse in Southern Spain, near the picturesque town of Montefrío, which lies between Malaga and Granada. The farmhouse nestles in a valley alongside a ravine, with the land extending over 4 acres. There are natural underground springs feeding the olive and fig trees and a large garden, which grows organic vegetables for the farm. This is a place of rest and provides lots of privacy.

The farm, called ‘El Aguaero’ (a historical place of water), is the perfect location to enjoy nature, rest and benefit from this healthy environment. The farm is run by the loving care of two people who are closely connected to the foundation, one is a full-time caregiver, however, both have experience in taking care of terminally ill cancer patients.
This short stay at El Aguaero. is offered from the TBF to patients who have the strength to travel and if they wish, are able to participate in some excursions or activities. We will do everything possible to make the visit as pleasurable as possible. The patient has all the freedom to fill in the time as he or she wants. We offer a large diversity of possible activities ranging from simply watching movies or TV, listening to music or painting in the stunning landscape of the garden. And for the more active guest, we can arrange a trip to the Alhambra or you are welcome to help out on the farm. Anything is possible; as long as there is no harmful impact to the farm, the farm life or the surrounding nature.
In the region surrounding Los Arroyos, building new houses is no longer possible. This is an area of outstanding natural beauty and a great deal of effort is in place to encourage the regeneration of the protected indigenous flora and fauna to the 4 acres of El Aguaero. In addition to the chickens, geese, goats and cats, which form a major part of the farm’s inhabitants there is also a plentitude of local wildlife, which includes the locally protected partridge birds.

To realise the vision of the farmhouse there are a number of construction items that are necessary at El Aguaero:
- Level the private road leading to the farm from the main road with small pebbles.
- Build a garage for the car(s).
- Purchase a small agricultural machine to work the land.
- Renovate the farm roof.
- Renovate the farm roof chimney.
- Construct a well-equipped kitchen within legal and health regulations.
- Construct a septic tank for improved sanitation.
- Renovate and where necessary construct walls surrounding the gardens.
- Build a fully equipped guest suite, within legal and health regulations, which include all the necessary comforts with separate sleeping rooms, living room and sanitation.

News & Media

Afgelopen jaar is de buitenkant van de bouw afgemaakt; de (binnen)muren, het dak, de ramen en de voordeur en de metalen roldeuren aan de buitenkant. Ook zijn de buitenmuren aangesmeerd. Plan is nu dat we aankomend jaar de binnenkant m.b.v. vrijwilligers kunnen afmaken zodat we hopelijk het jaar daarop ‘open’ kunnen. Dit houdt in de Electra, de waterleidingen, het sanitair, keukenblok etc. Helaas was er ingebroken en hebben we in september een omheining laten maken en camera’s geplaatst.
Over the last year, the exterior of the building and roof were completed followed by the interior walls, windows, front door and the metal rolling doors on the outside. The outside walls were also rendered. The plan is now with the help of volunteers to finish the interior. This involves electrics, plumbing, drainage and installation of a kitchen and bathroom. The hope is that we can then ‘open’ the following year. Unfortunately, there was a break-in so in September a fence and security cameras were installed.
Eindelijk –na 5 lange jaren papierwerk, het aanvragen van vergunningen e.d. – is er een begin gemaakt met de bouw van het gastenverblijf. Hierbij de eerste foto’s… Dat betekent wel dat er nu, nog meer dan ooit, geld nodig is om het helemaal af te maken. O.a. voor de metalen schuifpuien om het gebouw veilig af te kunnen sluiten, de kozijnen en de ramen, de deuren en straks natuurlijk het interieur. Donaties zijn zeer welkom dus.
Finally, after five years of getting the paperwork done, a start has been made with the construction of the guesthouse. Hereby are the first pictures… This means that maybe more than ever, money is needed to finalize it completely. For example for the metal shutters to close the building safely, windows and frames, doors en for later of course the interior. So please donate and help us to make this project happen!

Donations & Finances
For Donations
IBAN/SEPA : NL51INGB0005822594
KvK nmmer: 34357833
Fiscaalnummer: 821234195
BIC nummer: INGBNL2A
Or you can make an online donation here